Post about "learn digital marketing"

4 Clickbank Marketing Tips to Improve Your Success As a Clickbank Affiliate

If you’re interested in affiliate marketing or have hung around online marketing forums much, you’ve probably heard of Clickbank. Maybe you’ve even tried your own hand at marketing some of the products on Clickbank, with little or no success. There are literally thousands of average people just like you and me who make thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars promoting Clickbank products month in and month out, so it is possible to do. How?

Here are a few Clickbank marketing tips that will help you increase your conversions and make more money with one of the most popular retailers of digital products online today.

Choose a product with lower gravity. Many new affiliates are tempted to go after the “big sellers,” those products that every other affiliate is promoting. This will make it harder for a newbie to be successful, as potential customers are conditioned to seeing the emails, ads and other promotional tools used to promote these products. By selling a product that has a gravity lower than 60, there is less competition from other affiliates, and you have a better chance of getting noticed.

Avoid sending your prospects directly to the product sales page. The biggest majority of affiliates make this mistake. It’s much better to “warm up” prospective clients to the idea of buying by having them sign up to your email list. With a list of subscribers, you have the opportunity to build trust and let potential customers get to know you and the products you recommend. You can gently recommend products occasionally in your email messages, and those who have come to know you in a sense through your emails will feel more comfortable buying.

Create a page designed to pre-sell to potential customers. Sending a visitor directly to a sales page is like “cold-calling.” People simply do not buy a product on the spur of the moment, without any persuasion to do so. A pre-sell page can review the good and the bad about a product, offer your opinion as to the effectiveness of the product or relate your own experience, and make your visitor feel like he/she is armed with the information necessary to make a smart buying decision. With a pre-sell page, you have the ability to gently “prod” your visitor along the buying path.

Market a niche that you enjoy. Being successful as a Clickbank affiliate involves a lot of writing if your want to be successful, in the way of product reviews, web pages, blog posts, articles, etc. If you choose a niche you aren’t really familiar or comfortable with, that writing is going to be tough – and it’s going to slow your progress, because you simply won’t have the motivation to write. By choosing a niche you actually are an “expert” in or enjoy, your work will be so much easier, and enjoying what you do is half the battle! You’ll have the drive to do all of those daily marketing tasks that are essential to your success.

You may or may not ever become a “super” affiliate, and hopefully you will. However, by taking a few of these Clickbank marketing tips and putting them to use in your online business, I think you will see a much better level of success!

Strategic Marketing Using Digital Channels The Right Way

If you are looking to implement marketing from a strategic perspective in your company or business endeavour by making use of digital channels then it may well serve you to seek out some advice first. That’s some of what we set out to do here as we look to highlight some of the ins and outs of executing marketing in the digital age. There is more to digital marketing that ordinarily meets the eye as found in our consulting, devising and executing search engine and social media marketing campaigns.When a company is looking to [via its marketing personnel or use of third party agencies] market its products and services use the available digital marketing channels such as…
Video Marketing
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Micro Blogging
… all of the activities will need to be carried out via specific digital marketing channels with a view to getting engagement from chosen target market sector clients.As an example of the statement made above; the decision could be made to use the social media marketing and to connect with clients using an associated advertising platform through which to serve up ads. Going through the process of crafting and executing specific ads necessitates that one understands who the target audience is that the business is concerned with so that time is not wasted running ads that will be ultimately shown up to people that are not interested in the related products or services that the company has to offer. Going through the targeting process will determine where one’s audience ‘hangs out’ so that when the message is seen it is relatively easier to consume [or be interacted with].When running ads within the social media marketing channel alongside that of publishing engaging and compelling content, connect, following and republishing others content. It is important to make sure that the ads are in fact related to target clients likes, interests and aspirations as this will affect click through rate, engagement and other factors that lead to the actual cost of running the ad itself.The content aspect of digital marketing is indeed a critical and foundational one as one piece of content can effectively be repurposed for use in various formats and on differing platforms and digital marketing channels. E.g. a well written article can be used as a blog post, then used as the basis for a podcast, this same piece of content can be developed into a video and then used to create multiple micro blogging content pieces. Each piece of content should be used within planned digital marketing channels in order to deliver the marketing message through to the intended market segments.With the world in which we live in becoming increasingly technology enabled; this is continuing to open up opportunities for marketers and business owners to present their message to clients found the world over. However it is important to execute correctly and to start with the right messages, next the most appropriate digital marketing channel [some of which are listed above] are used in order to put the marketing message in front of the right audience. In other words a targeted approach should used as opposed to a shotgun spray and hope approach.At the end of the day digital marketing is still a subset of marketing and it itself has its own set of sub digital marketing channels. The strategic digital marketing approach is strongly recommended as when adhered to and the results start coming in, one will understand why it’s important to continue to adopt this approach to business promotion.